Welcome Cinnamon Bay Camp Volunteer Crew

Friends of VI National Park maintains the 27 miles of Virgin Islands National Park trails and helps uncover, restore, maintain, and interpret the ruins. This page is ONLY for volunteers who have received a welcome letter accepting them as campground volunteer crew.

If you would like to donate to Friends and support the work we do, please go here.   

To learn more about our trail program and volunteer opportunities, please visit our website here.

Friends of Virgin Islands National Park is a non-profit working with the National Parks Service to advance the protection and preservation of these natural and cultural resources, to promote their responsible enjoyment, and to connect our community, our visitors, and future generations to their extraordinary gifts!  For more information on our programs, please visit our website.  

Thank you for your support!  You make a difference!

Friends of Virgin Islands National Park is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions, including donations and membership dues, are tax deductible.  Please consider covering the donation costs when you check out.  Thank you!